Accuracy and simplicity for the new benchmark in Body Plethysmography
The Q-Box is the standalone body-box for Gold Standard measurement of Static Lung Volumes and Airway Resistance and Conductance through the body plethysmography technique.
The large cabin volume and the two handles allow comfortable and easy access for both adults and special populations.
The cabin structure provides large transparent surfaces, reliable air-tight closure and easy-to-disinfect walls.
Q-BOX is a medical device.

All-in-one PFT solution
Q-Box is a variable-pressure body plethysmograph with all the hardware and software for Lung Volumes, DLCO, Airways Resistance, Spirometry, Forced Oscillations and Respiratory Mechanics tests.
Unsurpassed Accuracy
Q-Box design is optimized to maintain high sensitivity to volume changes. Q-Box high quality components, including a precise pneumotach and superfast analyzers, ensure maximum accuracy.
Comfort and accessibility
Large cabin volume provides comfort and ease-to-access both for adults and special populations. Tests can be performed either inside or, whenever possible, outside the cabin.
Automatic interpretation
A powerful algorithm automatically processes results based on latest scientific guidelines and provides interpretation text strings, including numerical results and graphical data.
Network ready
Q-Box can be configured as a single stand-alone workstation or in a client-server configuration for small or very large network environments, with the possibility to share data with the HIS.
Omnia Software
Q-Box is provided with OMNIA, the modular software suite from COSMED with an innovative user interface. OMNIA intuitive workflow allows users to operate devices with no need for long learning paths.

Q-Box unique and high quality components, highly accurate pneumotach and super fast analyzers guarantee accurate results and make the Q-Box stand out from the competition.

Intuitive software for advanced data analysis and review boasting great interfacing and customization features.

Calibration Syringe
Certified 3 liter syringe for simple and reliable flowmeter calibrations and quality checks

Adjustable Cart

Breathing Valve

Adjustable arm

Explore the modules for the Q-Box

Body Plethysmography
Airway Resistance
- Airway resistance by Interrupter technique (Rint)
- High reproducibility and correlation with body plethysmography tests
- Ideal for testing uncooperative subjects (e.g. critically ill patients, children)
- Dedicated handle with pneumotach flowmeter
Forced Oscillations
- Total Respiratory Impedance measurement by Pseudo Random Noise Signal
- Ideal for uncooperative patients
- Recognized reference method for pre-school children assessment
- Compliant with latest ATS/ERS guidelines
Walk tests
- Integrated SpO2 monitor (optional)
- Wireless and Holter modalities
- Custom and standard walking protocols including 6MWT, Incremental and Endurance Shuttle Walk Tests
- Suitable for Titration tests and High Altitude Simulation Test (HAST)
Gallery of Q-Box accessories
Respiratory filters
Ergonomic filters with high filtration efficiency prevent cross-contamination during all tests.

Pulse Oximeter
High quality Pulse Oximeters for integrated oxygen saturimetry during rest or stress testing

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